Growing Weed is Not For the Faint of Heart

<p>Grow pot indoors is ounces of fun &mdash; literally &mdash; and yet can be extremely frustrating, as well. It seems that no matter how perfect of a cultivation environment you create, some seeds simply produce genetically crappy weed.</p> <p>I grew a couple of autoflower White Widow beauties that ended up awful. They were dry and barely produced any trichomes at all. Right next to them, in the same tent, was an auto Pine. It turned out perfect and was tasty to boot.</p> <p>Therefore, I know it wasn&rsquo;t my inability to grow great weed, but rather, bad seeds. I have had several successful and yummy harvests over the years, however, I have messed up a few times too.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: growing Weed