Tag: Gods

Top 8 SMITE Support Gods — And Why Mastering Them Made Me Love the Role

His main strength is his third ability, which allows you to quickly stun all players in a large cone in front of you for a maximum of 2.25 seconds as of this post. If you manage to land this ability on an enemy who just jumped in to kill one of your mage, hunter, or assassin allies, your ally is alm...

Seven Reasons Why Suffering Makes Me Believe in God Even More

The longer I live, the more qualified I become to speak on the topic of suffering. I don’t write about suffering as one who stands on the sideline, like an armchair expert who makes comments on a football game that he’s never played in his life. I write as someone who has played the game...

Explained: Why there are 330 Million gods in the Hindu religion?

The majority of religions preach about “one god”. The concept also makes sense because we are told from birth that “God” is the supreme entity. There is nothing beyond it. No one is equal to it. He/She is the one that cannot be compared with anyone else. Now, saying there ...

“May the Gods bless you!”

“May the Gods bless you, sir”, said a friend and co-dharmic (a term we activist Hindus use for people working towards rebuilding India’s civilisation). His greeting/prayer was a result of me sharing with him about my next big project, my ‘sankalpa’ (vow), t...

Open Letter to the Women of ‘God’s Chosen People’

The Torah I believe, is a path of wisdom and peace For you see, Proverbs 3:17 guides Jews that, ‘Her ways are ways of Pleasantness And all her paths are Peace So how can a whole culture with such a beautiful Guide Become colonialist, dictating the pattern of each newborn’s breat...

Here’s Where You Went Wrong

As I navigate my stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, exploring the tensions between my leftist values and Jewish upbringing, I can’t escape this nagging sensation that I am somehow betraying my Judaism in my criticisms of Israel and support for Palestine. In every Jewish community I&rs...

Who Needs Dragons When You’ve Got Norse Gods in Your Family Tree?

There I was, sitting in my apartment — the kind with more houseplants than square footage — when an email pinged in. “Your DNA results are ready!” it declared, probably with the same enthusiasm a game show host announces a grand prize winner. And boy, was I in for a...

“Thank God I’m White” Is An Admission That White Skin Is All You’ve Got

Real Success Is Based On Talent, Not Cosmetics When Tiger Woods blew up the world of golf, he didn’t go around saying, “I did it because I’m black” because his talent was real, not cosmetic. When Mark Zuckerberg built Facebook he didn’t say “I was successful...

The mystery of the strange gods of Tassili

This area is where an impressive mountainous massif rises, surrounded by sandstone rock formations that resemble enormous sentinels that have been worn down by time and the elements. It is Tassili, a word that comes from the Tuareg and means “plateau between two rivers.&...

Sky Gods and the Recipe for Immortality

So proclaim the sacred Vedic texts — one of the oldest and most influential stories in human history. At Hinduism’s core, Veda means wisdom or to know in Sanskrit (the language of ancient India). What is the secret recipe to the ancient wisdom revered by billions of people t...

4 Forgotten Gods of Greek Mythology

Well-known Greek gods like Zeus, Hades, Poseidon and Athena have made numerous appearances in books, movies, games, and other forms of media. Even demi-gods, like Perseus or Hercules, frequently star on the stage of popular culture. But some Greek gods have been unfairly lost to the wheels of tim...