Top 8 SMITE Support Gods — And Why Mastering Them Made Me Love the Role

<p>His main strength is his third ability, which allows you to quickly stun all players in a large cone in front of you for a maximum of 2.25 seconds as of this post. If you manage to land this ability on an enemy who just jumped in to kill one of your mage, hunter, or assassin allies, your ally is almost guaranteed to get the kill, assuming your enemy doesn&rsquo;t receive backup.</p> <p>Furthermore, all of Ymir&rsquo;s other abilities obstruct combo well with this, as they obstruct the enemies movement if they try to flee.</p> <p>His first ability can summon a wall at a far away distance, allowing you to make a gap between your ganked ally and the enemy. It also combos well with your stun, allowing you to reach any ranged characters who attack you easily by summoning the wall behind them and running up to them. Unless they have a leap ability, they won&rsquo;t be able to go around the wall fast enough to evade your stun.</p> <p>His second ability deals damage in a rectangular area in front of him, while also slowing down any enemy&rsquo;s movement speed significantly (35% slower for 4 seconds). Once your enemies are stunned, this is a guaranteed hit for you.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: SMITE Gods