Tag: Goddess

Working with Athena, Greek Goddess of Wisdom

The ancient Greeks viewed Athena as the goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, law and justice. This makes her an incredibly powerful deity to work with for any witch wanting guidance in these areas. In this blog post, we will look at why witches should consider working with Athena, how to set up ...

The Land of Goddess Danu

Even though separated by thousands of kilometre, the small island nation of Ireland shares old ties with India. Ireland provided the foot soldiers that administered the British empire in India. From the other side, Annie Besant, a British national of Irish descent, was instrumental in establishing B...

Oh, to have been an 1980s Bohemian Goddess like Tina Chow.

On New Year’s Eve I watched the ball drop on NBC TV and Miley Cyrus perform a song with David Byrne — an activity that felt completely inauthentic. I wasn’t at a party seeing a live, in person performance, so I had the feeling of being a voyeur. I was so distracted by seeing David ...

Why My Muse is Clio, the Ancient Greek Goddess of History

As a writer, I find inspiration in so many places. Gossip whispered at parties, current newspaper reportage, anecdotes revealed by family members over a few mugs of coffee, the odd remark overheard in a doctor’s waiting room or in an elevator, and on and on. History, however, provides me wi...

Goddess of the Window Sill

So when I saw one with puffy, sickly looking eyes, I took notice. The poor bird stayed for a long time, half blind and hungry. Google and Cornell’s ornithology institute, said to take the feeders down for at least a few weeks. I’d only seen the one so far, but many more were sure to...

Kumari: 5 Amazing Facts About Nepal’s Living Goddess

According to the Hindu philosophy, God is omnipresent, formless and experiential. It means that you can experience God in everything and any form provided that you have devotion. While temples and idols represent the recognition of the supreme through inanimate materials, worship of a human re...

Goddess Lakṣmi as Gajalakṣmi

Canto 8 of the Śrīmad Bhāgavata Purāṇa describes the emergence of the Goddess Lakṣmi as a youth of exquisite beauty from the churning of the ocean of milk. So magnificent was her beauty that it captivated the Gods, and as soon as She emerged from the water, Indra, the King of the h...

Goddess Durga Within!

According to Hindu mythology, there was a formidable demon named Mahishasura who had obtained a boon of invincibility from Lord Brahma. This made him almost unbeatable, and he used his newfound power to wreak havoc on the heavens and Earth. The gods, unable to tolerate his tyranny, sought the help o...

Mānasa Dēvi, the Serpent Goddess

Mānasa, the Snake Goddess, is worshipped extensively in Bengal, Bihar, Assam and in parts of the south. On Nāga Pañchami, falling on the fifth day of the ascending node of the moon in the month of Śravana every year, offerings of milk and parched grains are made to the Nāgas. in Bengal an...

What the goddess rides

There is something unique about Durga Puja — among countless other unique things — that the ‘vahaan’ or the bearer of the goddess really matters and has a lot of significance. The goddess has four distinct vahaans — elephant, horse, palanquin, and boat. The elephant ...

The Mother Goddess of Turriga: Matriarchy, Myth, Principle of Existence

The Mother Goddess of Turriga, in Sardinia (Italy), dating back to the 4th millennium BC, is considered the most beautiful effigy depicting female sacredness, in the entire Mediterranean. It was found in 1935 by a farmer who, unaware of the enormous historical-cultural value of the find, left it in ...

The Mother Goddess of Turriga: Matriarchy, Myth, Principle of Existence

The Mother Goddess of Turriga, in Sardinia (Italy), dating back to the 4th millennium BC, is considered the most beautiful effigy depicting female sacredness, in the entire Mediterranean. It was found in 1935 by a farmer who, unaware of the enormous historical-cultural value of the find, left it in ...

Harappan Civilization’s Psychedelic Secret about Soma. Crown of Goddess

The Indus Valley Civilization, also known as the Harappan Civilization, was one of the earliest civilizations in the world. Located in the fertile Indus River valley, it existed from around 3300 BCE to 1300 BCE. The people of this vast civilization developed sophisticated techniques in crafts, metal...

Ganja Goddess: Connecting with Cannabis in Spiritual Practice

Cannabis has been in use for several millennia and it is a privilege to have such an illustrious history. As a plant that originated in Central Asia, cannabis has been employed for therapeutic and non-medical purposes. Dating back to prehistoric times, cannabis plants were used to evoke therapeutic ...

Working with Athena, Greek Goddess of Wisdom

Why work with Athena? Athena is known by many names such as Minerva, Pallas Athene or Parthenos Athene — which translates to “virgin Athena” — reflecting her strong connection to independence and strength of character. As such, she can provide invaluable spiritual advice r...

The Egyptian goddess Isis

The goddess Isis is certainly one of the most well-known among the Egyptian pantheon. However, she is not among the oldest deities. Her name first appears in the Pyramid Texts around 2350 BCE. Despite having chapels dedicated to her, notably from the New Kingdom in the sanctuaries of other gods like...

Mother Goddess of the Three Realms.

The Vietnamese tradition of worshipping Mother Goddesses has been recognised as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO, and so this collaborative project — curated by Company,Place — pays homage to the female deities who manage the skies, rivers, forests and moun...