Goddess Durga Within!

<p>According to Hindu mythology, there was a formidable demon named Mahishasura who had obtained a boon of invincibility from Lord Brahma. This made him almost unbeatable, and he used his newfound power to wreak havoc on the heavens and Earth. The gods, unable to tolerate his tyranny, sought the help of the divine trinity: Brahma, the creator; Vishnu, the preserver; and Shiva, the destroyer. Responding to the plight of the gods, the three deities combined their energies, often described as their &ldquo;shakti&rdquo; or divine power. This fusion of energy gave rise to a magnificent and awe-inspiring goddess, who became known as Durga. Her form was resplendent, adorned with multiple arms, each holding a powerful weapon, and riding a ferocious lion. Such was the power of the fusion that Goddess Durga came in to being as not only beautiful but also extraordinarily powerful, and was also destined to defeat Mahishasura.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/soloartist/goddess-durga-within-88120a86e6d0"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Goddess Durga