Why My Muse is Clio, the Ancient Greek Goddess of History

<p>As a writer, I find inspiration in so many places. Gossip whispered at parties, current newspaper reportage, anecdotes revealed by family members over a few mugs of coffee, the odd remark overheard in a doctor&rsquo;s waiting room or in an elevator, and on and on.</p> <p>History, however, provides me with more than enough material to spark my imagination. Indefinitely.</p> <p>My muse? The Greek goddess Clio.</p> <p>One of nine ancient Greek muses of the arts and literature, Clio&rsquo;s name signifies &ldquo;to make famous&rdquo; or &ldquo;to celebrate.&rdquo;</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@gherkinstomato/why-my-muse-is-clio-the-ancient-greek-goddess-of-history-9ac7ed330c8c"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>