Tag: goal

It’s OK to code, it’s OK to no-code, but there’s a cost to both

This post may appear as an overly critical review of no-code tools, but it’s not. The goal is to look at coding and no-coding through different lenses: a designer, a developer and a product founder. This article explores product end goals and output. The no-code movement is growing. Ne...

Making This One Goal-Setting Mistake Can Make You Miserable

Goals-setting is not a magical one-stop solution to cure all your ills. Like powerful prescription medication, it can be effective when used for the proper indication and at the correct dose but toxic when misapplied. In my previous article, I explored some ways that misuse of goal-setting c...

Goal setting demystified

I wrote a little bit already about types of goals and SMART goals in this blog. Below I am answering some of the basic questions about goal-setting and how to go about it. This write-up will summarise my ways of approaching goal setting and career development. So let’s begin- What...

The mobilisation or private wealth is vital to attain the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals

Only 15% of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are currently on target. Progress on half of The Goals is either “moderately” or “severely” behind, and as many as 30% of The Goals have regressed behind where they were when conceived in 2015. But it is not...

Week 2: Research Synthesis and Goal Setting

During the first week of DTTPPM, I created my first user research survey and posted it on online forums to collect data about other technical writers’ experiences with documentation software. After analyzing the data from that survey, I learned a bit about the effectiveness of survey questions...

I’m Not A Good White Person…

Being a good human is an admirable goal. My problem is, I don’t think whiteness can be good. I also don’t think it needs to be. Hear me out. I’m not implying that having light skin makes one incapable of goodness. Nor am I suggesting that those of us on the paler side should hat...

My Goal Alignment Problem

Many of you are aware that I recently fired Evening Bryan, revoking his authority to eat. That decision proved life changing. Recently, Decide-what-to-eat Bryan got canned too. Now, my body independently generates the grocery shopping list and Sleep Bryan decides t...