Goal setting demystified

<p>I wrote a little bit already about types of goals and SMART goals in&nbsp;<a href="https://mandarakale.medium.com/performance-management-shift-from-a-black-box-to-a-white-box-8334614d7626" rel="noopener">this</a>&nbsp;blog. Below I am answering some of the basic questions about goal-setting and how to go about it. This write-up will summarise my ways of approaching goal setting and career development. So let&rsquo;s begin-</p> <h1>What is a goal?</h1> <p><strong>A goal is a highlight of your career for the year if you achieve it.&nbsp;</strong>What is the&nbsp;<strong>highlight of the year</strong>? &mdash; It is quite self-explanatory but here is some elaboration &mdash; anything that you can feel proud about when you look back on the year and completing this added significant value to your professional career. Another way to see this is, can you boast about accomplishing it? Can you add it to your resume/portfolio? Can you talk about it in the next interview (yes, I mean it)?</p> <h1>Why should we set a goal?</h1> <p>Setting the goal will give you the (most sought) clarity on where are you heading for the business and for your own career.</p> <p>At the heart of the high-performance culture, is to have each team member clear direction (aka goals). Generally, we do the goal-setting for the year and then keep refining those goals for the rest of the year on a regular basis. What&rsquo;s interesting is that the goal-setting and check-in process is very much undermined across the engineering/tech community. So I decided to write down my framework of goals and how managers, leaders, and engineers can approach it.</p> <p><a href="https://mandarakale.medium.com/goal-setting-demystified-b8c665264fb3"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>