Tag: Gaza

My Near-Death Experience in The War of Gaza

It was in the war of 2014 on Gaza. In the last few nights before our departure from our village to the neighboring city, we couldn’t sleep. Usually, the sounds of rockets hitting near the border of Gaza and our other neighboring village from the right are not enough to make us wake up in the n...

Renewing Faith Through The Lesson Of Gaza

The recent violence and tragedy in Gaza have profoundly impacted me and led me to recommit myself to my Islamic faith. As I watched the footage of innocent men, women, and children being killed and injured, mosques and homes destroyed, I was filled with sorrow and outrage. But I was also reminded of...

Gaza Pogrom- Fight or Justice?

Muslims believe that dying at the hands of Jews or infidels makes them martyrs. Therefore, they should be celebrating their war casualties. The more dead the better, surely. The dead are all with Allah, held up as martyrs. Isn’t that good? How can they believe and at the same time complain ...

Gaza underground affairs

Beneath the surface, in a shelter veiled in neon’s subtle glow, we met — a clandestine meeting of two beings. Draped in my hijab, I found myself in a mosaic of desire and turmoil. [22:00] In the presence of Freedom, a Jew, a human beyond labels, echoes of an ancient Islamic prophecy h...

A message that was sent by a woman in Gaza:

So just as if I pinch you by the hand, do not fear for them. I know you are saddened, so remember what the Messenger (ﷺ) said...No one in this world dies and wishes to return to the world except the martyr. The martyr wishes that they would die for His sake a thousand times; to keep dying ...

Shabbat Blackout in Gaza

It’s Shabbat so Israel has turned off the lights, A complete blackout for Gaza It’s a hunter’s moon tonight, a lunar eclipse The wax drips off the candles and my Jewish faith sinks into the floor I light the first Shabbat candle for Gaza before the world snuffs her out I c...

Antisemitism Reconsidered

On the rise in the wake of the war in Gaza, rabid, aggressive anti-Semitism, coupled with inane and outlandish conspiracy theories of world dominion, is easy to counter, debunk, and dispel. It is the more “reasoned”, subtle, and stealthy variety that it pernicious. “No smoke withou...

Top 3 Lies Israel Uses About Gaza to Gain Your Support

The Hamas Charter says all Jews pre-1948 should live in Palestine as equals with those of other faith groups. Only those arrived post-1948 by force of arms would not be welcome. Hamas has stated multiple times on many different occasions by now that their fight is with the Occupation, not the Jew...