Renewing Faith Through The Lesson Of Gaza

<p>The recent violence and tragedy in Gaza have profoundly impacted me and led me to recommit myself to my Islamic faith. As I watched the footage of innocent men, women, and children being killed and injured, mosques and homes destroyed, I was filled with sorrow and outrage. But I was also reminded of the true peaceful nature of Islam and its call for justice and protection of the vulnerable.</p> <p>This tragedy made me realize I needed to strengthen my connection to Allah and live out the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) more fully. Gaza wasn&rsquo;t the only thing Allah used to show me I need to single Him out for worship. It was also a conversation I had with one of my sisters a few weeks ago.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Lesson Gaza