Top 3 Lies Israel Uses About Gaza to Gain Your Support

<p>The Hamas Charter says all Jews pre-1948 should live in Palestine as equals with those of other faith groups. Only those arrived post-1948 by force of arms would not be welcome.</p> <p>Hamas has stated multiple times on many different occasions by now that their fight is with the Occupation, not the Jews. They do not have any problem with people of the Jewish faith. They&nbsp;<strong>do</strong>&nbsp;have a problem with the military Occupation of Palestine.</p> <p>Also, specifically Hamas leader Abu Obeida recently gave a speech in which he thanked the American Jewish community for their protests and demands for a ceasefire. Reality flash: Hitler never thanked the Jews for their advocacy of his Cause.</p> <p><strong><a href="">Click Here</a></strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
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