Tag: Gaslighting

5 Classic Gaslighting Techniques and How to Counter Them…

*One evening, I sat across from a friend, discussing a recent disagreement. They looked me straight in the eye and said, “I never said that.” My heart sank as I vividly remembered their words, but they gaslit me with their unwavering denial.* To counter this, I’ve learned to kee...

Strategies to Challenge Political Gaslighting

Recent discussions have reminded me that not everyone sees or understands the Constitution and democratic government similarly and that opposing forces believe this is the case. Who are these opposing forces? Let’s see, the entry to ultra-right-leaning GOP members and the associated black c...

Fellow White Folk: We Need to Talk About Racial Gaslighting.

For as long as I have been White (oh wait), I have done this thing called racial gaslighting and it obviously isn’t good. You have done it, too. In fact, you’re probably doing it right now (“Are you SURE I’ve gaslighted before? Where is your PROOF?”). The problem is tha...

Did You Have a Gaslighting Parent Who Guilt-Tripped You?

One of the biggest misconceptions about family in our country is that we owe them something. Many Americans feel that there should be a duty to parents and extended family, regardless of the situation. This is absolute bullshit. Just because two knuckleheads get drunk on their first date and deci...