Tag: Gardens

View From the Hanging Gardens

I can never tire of this scene. Mumbai is my birth city. I lived there for the first ten years of my life and then, visited several times before moving there again after I got married in 1997. Of course, we went to all my favorite childhood spots, one of which was the Hanging Gardens on Malabar H...

Discovering Barcelona’s community gardens

Spending time in green spaces or bringing nature into your everyday life can benefit both your mental and physical wellbeing. Something I was seeking out when I moved from Bangkok to Barcelona last November. Initially I thought I wanted to get an allotment for myself, but realised especially after C...

Copenhagen’s One-of-a-Kind Oval Community Gardens.

The “round gardens,” which are actually oval, are located in the Naerum suburban area of Copenhagen, Denmark. They are one of the most visually stunning allotment gardens in the world.Sren Carl Theodor Marius Srensen is widely regarded as one of the best landscape architects of all time,...

Secret Gardens, Random Cafés, and My Portuguese Slumlord

Constantly on the lookout for great, local spots, I learned of a new café from friends that I wanted to check out. They told lively stories of the owner, Diogo, and how he liked for them to come in and drink wine as I am sure those times could become very profitable for him. Reviews on Diogo&...

What’s Happening in Your May Garden?

Are you out in your garden every day to enjoy the changes? I’m out first thing in the morning. Being out of shape — me, as well as my tiny garden; it’s taking a long time to get spring tasks completed. I just do what I can. I weed until I’m out of breath. Rest and be proud...

Gardens in Islam: An Oasis of Tranquility and Spiritual Reflection

Among the renowned Islamic gardens, the Alhambra Palace in Spain stands as an epitome of architectural beauty and serene landscapes. Its intricate designs, reflective pools, and vibrant flora create an atmosphere of tranquility, inspiring awe and contemplation. The Generalife gardens within the Alha...

Freedom By the Sea

America connected with the world in New Bedford, Massachusetts. The center of the new nation’s shipping and whaling industry in the 1840s and 1850s, the small city on the southern coast of the state launched voyages to every ocean. Quakers had founded New Bedford in the 17th century along the ...