What’s Happening in Your May Garden?

<p>Are you out in your garden every day to enjoy the changes? I&rsquo;m out first thing in the morning. Being out of shape &mdash; me, as well as my tiny garden; it&rsquo;s taking a long time to get spring tasks completed. I just do what I can.</p> <p>I weed until I&rsquo;m out of breath. Rest and be proud that I got out of bed. Weed, rest, weed, rest, dig, rest, and so on. I call it interval gardening. It&rsquo;s like<a href="https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/high-intensity-interval-training/" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">&nbsp;interval training&nbsp;</a>except I just garden until I can&rsquo;t move and then rest until I get inspired to go again.</p> <p>We had snow the last week of April this year. I live in USDA zone 5, so we can get snow and even blizzards in April and May. This April we had several snows, but just dustings.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/welcome-to-my-not-so-fancy-garden/whats-happening-in-your-may-garden-8634578a9fcd"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Gardens