Tag: Functions

The 3 Common Ways of Writing Functions

A page from my notes on JavaScript as a quick reference on functions. From the numerous articles I read and the videos I watched, I learned that modern computing is all about abstraction from the binary code to complex programs (and from the micro-circuits to the complex robots). And when I learn...

Why You Should Use Firebase Functions With A Service Account

I have used Firebase for about two years to develop a web application. A while back, I also started using native Google Cloud features like Secret Manager to store secrets directly in the cloud. And precisely, the usage of Secret Manager should reveal a fatal flaw in the standard setup of&...

Why You Should Use Firebase Functions With A Service Account

firebase-tools is a popular library built by Google providing abstractions to develop and deploy Firebase applications. firebase-tools is the recommended way for deploying serverless functions to Firebase / Google Cloud. Firebase is a service built on top of Google...

15 Levels Of Writing Python Functions

1) Basic functions with 0 arguments def hello(): print('hello') print('world') hello() # hello # world The absolute most basic function you can write — a function that takes in 0 arguments, but does only one uncustomizable thing. 2) Functions that ta...

10 Practical Examples of Higher-Order Functions in Android Development

Kotlin is a modern programming language that has become increasingly popular due to its expressiveness, conciseness, and versatility. One of its key features is the support for higher-order functions, which allow you to write more concise and flexible code. A higher-order function is a function that...

15 Levels Of Writing Python Functions

1) Basic functions with 0 arguments def hello(): print('hello') print('world') hello() # hello # world The absolute most basic function you can write — a function that takes in 0 arguments, but does only one uncustomizable thing. 2) Functions that ta...

Why You Should Use Firebase Functions With A Service Account

firebase-tools is a popular library built by Google providing abstractions to develop and deploy Firebase applications. firebase-tools is the recommended way for deploying serverless functions to Firebase / Google Cloud. Firebase is a service built on top of Google...

It’s time you learn Arrow Functions.

If you’ve been coding in JavaScript for more than a day, you’ve probably asked yourself, ‘What on earth is this ‘this’?' Time to make sense of it all with arrow functions. If you would like to follow along what I’m learning from, I’m using the M...

3 Pandas Functions for DataFrame Merging

It's common in the data work to have multiple datasets from the data source or as the result of data analysis. Sometimes, we want to merge two or more different datasets for various reasons. For example: We want to integrate data from multiple data sources into one dataset for deeper an...

All You Need To Know About Bessel Functions

Those were the days when an astronomer could still make substantial contributions to mathematics! Bessel functions, first introduced by the German astronomer Friedrich Bessel in the early 19th century, are mathematical functions that arise in various areas of science, engineering, and mathematics. T...

Getting started with Terraform functions — V1.0

When I first started with Terraform to write configuration to deploy infrastructure on AWS and GCP, I did not know how powerful Terraform is. I wrote configuration code like an armature — repeated code blocks, hardcoded values, bloated and inflexible infrastructure configuration code. It...

Kotlin Functions Every Developer Should Know with Examples

Certainly! Here’s a collection of essential Kotlin functions that every developer should know, along with examples for each function: let: Use let to execute a block of code on a non-null object. val name: String? = "John" name?.let { println(&qu...

Shell Script Functions and Arguments

Shell Scripting is a programming technique that involves writing scripts or programs in a shell language, which is a command-line interface used in Linux and Unix operating systems. Shell scripts are used to automate tasks, execute commands, and manipulate system resources through a set of commands ...

How Many of You If We Cut Your Brain in Two?

We like to think of ourselves as singular beings, as individuals with one brain, mind and consciousness. But this is mostly a consequence of the fact that we can treat our hyper-connected brain as one network. Yet that network isn’t perfectly uniform. Some parts have specific func...

An Overview of Activation Functions in Deep Learning

Deep learning has revolutionized various fields, from computer vision and natural language processing to healthcare and finance. One of the key components that enable the success of deep neural networks is the activation function. Activation functions introduce non-linearity into neural networks, al...

A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Probability Density and Mass Functions

Probability is a fundamental concept that underpins many fields, from statistics to machine learning. To better understand the distribution of random variables and the likelihood of certain outcomes, we use mathematical functions called Probability Density Functions (PDF), Cumulative Density Functio...

Introduction to Probability Density Functions

Understanding Probability Density Functions (PDFs) is foundational in the realm of statistics, probability, and investment. These mathematical functions are indispensable for studying continuous random variables. A Probability Density Function, while not a probability, offers deep insights into the ...

Mastering Deep Learning: Designing Loss Functions

In past articles, we have seen how neural networks approximate non-linearities and the reason for their extraordinary efficiency. In this article, let us expand our understanding by exploring loss functions. Firstly, what exactly is a loss function, and what purpose does it serve? To answer our q...

Statistics | Loss functions in regression

Let’s kick off by first understanding what exactly is a loss function. A loss function is a magic wand that converts theoretical concepts into practical reality. Loss function helps us identify and understand the efficiency of a statistical function / model by estimating the variation of predi...

Preserve Form and Function, Not Atoms

What do contemporary archeologists, art collectors, and funerary directors have in common? All groups deal with cultural heritage and all of them are dominated by the “cult of the original atoms”. By this I mean the (implicit) belief that the identity of an object or person is tied to th...