3 Pandas Functions for DataFrame Merging

<p>It&#39;s common in the data work to have multiple datasets from the data source or as the result of data analysis.</p> <p>Sometimes, we want to merge two or more different datasets for various reasons. For example:</p> <ul> <li>We want to integrate data from multiple data sources into one dataset for deeper analysis</li> <li>We want to perform missing value imputation from one dataset to another dataset</li> <li>We split the dataset to perform different analyses on each dataset, and we want to return them into one dataset</li> </ul> <p>Merging datasets is possible with the available functions from the Pandas package. In this article, we will learn three different functions for merging with the coding example. Let&#39;s get into it.</p> <h1>1. merge</h1> <p>The&nbsp;<code>merge</code>&nbsp;function is the go-to function in Pandas to perform basic dataset merging. This function would combine two datasets based on the given dataset index or column.</p> <p>For example, let&#39;s create a dataset example to show how&nbsp;<code>merge</code>&nbsp;function works.</p> <p><a href="https://pub.towardsai.net/3-pandas-functions-for-dataframe-merging-5ad29de0b5b3"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>