Tag: Function

Microsoft’s New AI Method to Predict How Molecules Move and Function

Well, apparently Microsoft’s teams applying AI to science (together with a renowned professor, see notes at the very end) might have a first “Yes” as an answer to my question. They have just presented their novel “Distributional Graphormer” which can predict not just si...

Different Ways to Achieve Function Composition in Kotlin

Have you ever thought about programming as a bit like playing chess, where every choice you make can lead to either a win or a loss? Well, in the world of coding, function composition is the special technique that lets you blend simple actions together, kind of like how chess pieces come together in...

Should I use the print function or logging module??

Logging is the process of outputting messages from your code/script either to the terminal or mostly to a file, in order to be informed on what’s happening, it’s a great use in debugging and can be used in other situations to. Quite a lot of programmers use the print function, wh...

Microsoft’s New AI Method to Predict How Molecules Move and Function

Well, apparently Microsoft’s teams applying AI to science (together with a renowned professor, see notes at the very end) might have a first “Yes” as an answer to my question. They have just presented their novel “Distributional Graphormer” which can predict not just si...

Reduce — The Power of a Single Python Function

While Python is not a pure functional programming language, you can still do a lot of functional programming in it. Just one function — reduce — can do most of it, and in this article, I will (try to) show you all the things one can do just with reduce. Reduce Let&rs...

The Perks of a Sleepless World: Late Night Adventures and Other Nighttime Fun

Introduction: The Night Owls’ Utopia Imagine a world where the concept of sleep is as foreign as a fish riding a bicycle. No more alarms, no more snooze buttons, and certainly no more drooling on your pillow. Just pure, unadulterated time. But what on Earth (or rather, under the moon) would...

Automate CloudWatch Custom Metrics like Memory and Disk Utilization on Windows EC2 instance using Lambda function

As we are seeing, nowadays industries are growing and everyone wants to save their time, so everyone’s focus is on automation. As we know that AWS provided so many default metrics, but what if we want to monitor Disk and Memory utilization of our EC2 instance, As per AWS we have to manually co...

Building Step Function Workflows with Terraform: Creating Custom Modules

Step Functions are a powerful way to orchestrate and coordinate AWS services for serverless workflows. With Terraform, you can define your Step Function workflows as code, making it easier to manage and version your workflow definitions. In this article, we’ll explore how to create Step Functi...

Kotlin extension function

Kotlin gives the programmer the ability to add more functionality to the existing classes, without inheriting them. This is achieved through a feature known as extensions. When a function is added to an existing class it is known as Extension Function. How add Kotlin ...

What is runZonedGuarded Function in Flutter ?

In Flutter, the runZonedGuarded function is a way to run a block of code (a callback) within a special zone while also providing a custom error handler to handle any uncaught exceptions that may occur during the execution of that code. This is often used for managing and handling errors in...

Hiding Function Calls in C#

its been quite a minute since my last article talking about malware development in python, in this article im shifting the focus a bit to C#, .NET Framework in particular lets have a bit of a background not a while ago i decided to learn C# to enhance my Windows Targeted Malware Development Ca...

Memory, Brain Function, and Behavior: Exploring the Intricate Connection Through Fear Memories

In a world grappling with the complexities of mental health conditions like anxiety, depression, and PTSD, new research from Boston University neuroscientist Dr. Steve Ramirez and collaborators offers a unique perspective. The study, recently published in the Journal of Neur...

A Step-by-Step Guide to Green’s Function

Introduction and Motivation The ODEs where the method applies are of the form where the function y(x) is defined in the interval [a,b] where a,b can be any real number or +- infinity. The expression above can be seen as a linear differential operator L...

Limits by Piecewise Function and the Intuition Behind the Limit: An Introduction to Calculus

In our previous article, we introduced the concept of limits by rationalization, and worked through why it works. To combine some aspects of limits we’ve already learned, let’s do some more problems, now using piecewise functions, and discuss the one piece of intuition about limi...

CRPS — A Scoring Function for Bayesian Machine Learning Models

An important part of the machine learning workflow is the model evaluation. The process itself can be considered common knowledge: split the data into train and test sets, train the model on the train set, and evaluate its performance on the test set using a score function. The score function (or...

Moment Generating Function Explained

The n-th moment is E(X^n). We are pretty familiar with the first two moments, the mean μ = E(X) and the variance E(X²) − μ². They are important characteristics of X. The mean is the average value and the variance is how spread out the ...