Limits by Piecewise Function and the Intuition Behind the Limit: An Introduction to Calculus
<p><strong>In our </strong><a href="" rel="noopener"><strong>previous article</strong></a><strong>, we introduced the concept of limits by rationalization, and worked through why it works.</strong></p>
<p>To combine some aspects of limits we’ve already learned, let’s do some more problems, now using piecewise functions, and discuss the one piece of intuition about limits I have purposely been leaving out.</p>
<p>“Limits by Piecewise Functions” is actually kind of a misnomer, as it errs more on the side of an <em>application</em> of limits than it is a way to <em>solve</em> limits.</p>
<p>Nevertheless, it is a helpful tool to algebraically represent complex limits that cannot be defined with a single function.</p>
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