Tag: Fresh

Starting Fresh at 36

I close my eyes… And I remember what it was like to be six, sixteen, and twenty-six years old. Sixteen year old me was not cute, had baggy jeans from Hot Topic, and was not vibing with the conservatism of the Texas Panhandle. By twenty-six, I was Cameron Diaz in Bad Teacher. Smart, bu...

Fresh butt nuggets

I was housesitting for a mate’s chooks and cat over the Christmas break. She lives in Melbourne, so I packed up the car with a Fe and Bella (rabbit) and drove South for nearly seven hours in a car with broken air-conditioning. coo cackle and cluck ladies give centre of gold -lunch celeb...

Coming to a Tech Firm in Tokyo as a Fresh Graduate

Half a year ago, I never imagined I’d be writing this article in the heart of the Land of the Rising Sun. But here I am, a six-hour flight away from my homeland, writing this article somewhere in a chic cafe sipping on my hot cup of coffee and periodically admiring the view of autumn leaves fa...

How to Order Food from Demae-Can: An English Guide for Foreigners Fresh Off the Boat

The sheer amount of food choice in Tokyo is staggering. It is not a stretch to say that eateries make up most of the businesses packed into the busy streets of this sprawling city. It would be impossible to try them all. Although I wish I could… In addition, we don’t always have the ...

What to Eat Your First Time in Tokyo

Tokyo, the buzzing capital of Japan, is a foodie paradise that boasts some of the world’s most unique and delicious cuisines. From savory ramen to sweet mochi, Tokyo offers an incredible range of food that is both tantalizing and adventurous. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or plannin...

Beach Bowl | Fresh Restaurants

The Beach has been one of our bestselling Fresh bowls for years and is one of the easiest things on our menu to make at home. You can follow this recipe exactly, or just use it as a guide for making a bowl that will use up whatever veggies and accents you have in your fridge. At the restaurants, we ...

Living the Single Lady Life: Embracing Fresh Lifestyle Choices

First things first, let’s tackle dating apps. You might be tempted to dive headfirst into the online dating world, and hey, there’s nothing wrong with that. But remember, it’s not just about finding someone new; it’s about rediscovering yourself. I remember the time I d...

Ultimate Guide: Keeping Your Cannabis Fresh and Flavorful

Why Freshness Matters Freshness in cannabis isn’t just about bragging rights; it’s about preserving the very essence of what makes your stash special. When cannabis degrades, not only does its potency take a hit, but the intricate flavors and aromas begin to fade away. Proper storage ...