Starting Fresh at 36

<p>I close my eyes&hellip;</p> <p>And I remember what it was like to be six, sixteen, and twenty-six years old. Sixteen year old me was not cute, had baggy jeans from Hot Topic, and was not vibing with the conservatism of the Texas Panhandle. By twenty-six, I was Cameron Diaz in&nbsp;<em>Bad Teacher</em>. Smart, but a 7:30am start time was not my jam. Shout out to my first period debate (meditation) class!</p> <p>Ah, 36! If you would have asked younger me, I&rsquo;d have said I&rsquo;d have it all figured out by now. A palace, three poodles, and a personal invitation to Elton John&rsquo;s garden party, at the very least. But somehow, the reality is&hellip; a tad different.</p> <p>Nonetheless, instead of a midlife (or rather, mid-30s) crisis, I&rsquo;m choosing to embrace the fabulousity that&rsquo;s yet to come and sharing with you my 36-item bucket list for seizing the coming years.</p> <ol> <li><strong>Swim in the Hudson Bay</strong>&nbsp;&mdash; Road trip! It&rsquo;s going to be cold af, and I&rsquo;m going to remember this polar plunge forever.</li> <li><strong>Road trip through Chile &mdash;&nbsp;</strong>I want to hike around Patagonia and also swim in the pool at San Alfonso del Mar. It&rsquo;s enormous!</li> <li><strong>Get a verified blue check on social media</strong>&nbsp;&mdash; Let&rsquo;s get famous! Glow-up era here we come!</li> <li><strong>Get shredded and have abs</strong>&nbsp;&mdash; I know this is vain, but just go with it&hellip;</li> <li><strong>Grow a thriving garden</strong>&nbsp;&mdash; Think Secret Garden level. No weeds, tons of vegetables, and tons of flowers!</li> <li><strong>Take a hot air ballon ride&nbsp;</strong>&mdash; In all reality, this seems hella scary to me. But YOLO!</li> </ol> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a>&nbsp;</p>
Tags: Starting Fresh