Tag: Founders

Founders, Fraud and Fallacies

Humans love nothing more than to attribute the success or failure of any venture to a single individual. Minimising team effort to focus on the vision of a founder is equally common in the games industry and the wider business world — just ask Warren Spector, “ creator of Thief and ...

Decoding Product Market Fit for Early-Stage Founders

One often encounters early-stage founders excited about their company’s rapid growth metrics. For consumer-focused startups, this typically means impressive website traffic, while enterprise-focused founders may boast about the number of product trials they have been getting. The excitement is...

Why the top 1% of founders quit their startup

You can look forward to insightful lessons, practical takeaways and the hottest news stories delivered to your inbox every week. In this week’s edition, we discuss: Why the top 1% of founders quit their startup Why cracking the trust code is the key to growth Why the top 1% of ...

Why The Top 1% of Founders Quit Their Startups

That quote from Paul Graham’s essay How Not to Die stuck with me during my struggles as a 3rd-year founder backed by Y-Combinator. For an average small business in the US, you beat 25% of competitors by surviving year one on average. By year four, you’ve beate...

So, You Raised a Series A — Now What? I Interviewed 8+ Founders to Find Out

There’s no shortage of content out there targeted at founders who are in the process of fundraising for their startups. The advice centers around pitching, selling, and valuing your company while managing a timely process. But what happens when the fundraising frenzy ends? Amidst the never-...

5 Common Pitch Deck Mistakes Founders Make that Annoy Investors

I was judging a pitch competition for a neighboring university. The event was meant to be an informal “practice” session to help the students prepare for pitching venture capitalists. As a result, the person who’d invited me wanted me to give feedback on the pitches rather than the...

FaB Founders meeting. Hermosa Beach. FaB Fashion and BeautyTech

We curated this content (Odile and Camille), but asked one of the founders participating to add her quotes, thank you Christine Koppinger founder of Minu SkinCare! -  funding: mix of BAs and micro VCs, adding skills to their investment, crowdfunding for some, banks become more creative on th...

Launching the Primary NYC Founders Fellowship

We’re thrilled to announce the Primary NYC Founders Fellowship, a 6-month, part-time immersion in business creation for aspiring entrepreneurs to supercharge the next wave of NYC business creation. This program helps aspiring entrepreneurs go from having an idea and a desire to start a busines...

FAB founders’ conversation in NYC. Perspectives 2024.

NOV 14, a meeting Co-hosted by Lin Chen founder of PinkMoon and NYC Fab co-chapter leader and  Odile Roujol  Fab ventures (seed stage), founder of the global Fab community. The TakeAway: Funding: “There is a shift in consumer brands’ funding. Some of...

Challenges Women Founders Face In Tech

As women forge their path as founders in the business world, they encounter unique challenges and opportunities. While progress has been made, there are still hurdles that need to be addressed. Let’s explore some of these challenges and highlight the opportunities that lie ahead: Access to ...

Top Podcasts for Empowering Women Founders

In a world where women continue to face significant challenges in the business and entrepreneurship landscape, podcasts have emerged as powerful platforms for sharing stories, providing insights, and fostering a sense of community. These audio shows have become a go-to resource for women founders, o...

A Founder’s Quest: Kanashumei Julia’s Mission to Revive Okinawa’s Royal Legacy

My name is Julia, and I was born in the United States but grew up in Okinawa, a place that is a blend of cultures, histories, and traditions. My heritage is a tapestry of American and Okinawan threads, with my mother’s lineage tracing back to the kings of the Ryukyu. Despite such a royal linea...