Tag: Flutter

Comprehensive Guide on Using Platform Channels in Flutter

Yo, Wassup Flutter dev! Today, we’re diving deep into the world of platform channels in Flutter. If you’ve ever wondered how to harness native capabilities not yet available in the Flutter framework, this guide is for you. Let’s get started! What are Platform Channels? ...

3 Flutter Open Source Projects That Improve Your Skills (All Levels)

Introduction I wrote the article 4 Flutter Open Source Projects from Which You Can Learn a Lot! (2023). During my research, I personally learned a lot and also a lot of readers liked it. I want now to share with you more projects that I found recently. As the last time, it does not depend...

OOP in Flutter — In Depth

1. Class and Object — Blueprint for the Future: In OOP, a class serves as a blueprint or template to create objects. It defines the properties (attributes) and methods (behavior) that the objects of the class will possess. An object, on the other hand, is an instance of a class. In Dar...

Embracing Flutter with an Android Mindset

As a native Android developer with no prior experience with Flutter, I decided to explore how it would be to build a Flutter project with an Android mindset. I wanted to see how easy or hard it would be to come up with a full project in as little time as possible, while following Android developm...

Top 10 Youtube channels for Flutter developers in 2023

n the year 2023, Flutter was becoming increasingly popular as a framework for developing mobile applications, and as a result, there was a growing need for high-quality resources to help developers learn and master it. This article provides a list of 10 curated YouTube channels that are considered t...

Installing Flutter 3.10 on MacOS

You can start developing Flutter apps without any installation or configuration. You can quickly create prototypes and simple apps and share your code with fellow developers with an online tool called DartPad. It is an online open-source tool that runs on any browser. However, if you are ser...

Make bubble head icon when your app is in background in flutter.

As you know in last article I told how to know when our app is in background. We will be using that thing in this article so I recommend you guys to once check that article as it will give you a overview how we knowing that our app is in back-ground and also some other useful information is there. ...

React Native vs. Flutter: 2023

Almost two years ago, I wrote a blog post comparing React Native and Flutter at a time when I was still somewhat new to Flutter. I had spoken very highly of it, but also paid some respect to React Native. I had more experience with React Native and loved (and still do) its web OG, React...

Creating A Challenge To Learn Flutter

Imagine having access to data from over 300,000 books. You need to take action. And you need to do it right away! For instance, learning Flutter and developing an application using this data. In this article, I will discuss creating a challenge to learn a technology (Flutter) and share how I deve...

What’s next for Flutter

Today we’re excited to share our vision for Flutter at Flutter Forward, our developer event streaming live from Nairobi, Kenya, as developers from around the world gather in-person and online to learn about future directions for Flutter. Flutter is a UI toolkit that enables app develop...

Flutter for data engineering and data science!

Flutter is Google’s SDK for crafting beautiful, fast user experiences for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. According to a 2021 developer survey Flutter is the most popular cross-platform framework. Source: https://flutter.dev/ Now, thanks to Flet.d...

Top Flutter Tools Every Developer Should Know in 2023

In an ever-evolving technological landscape, Flutter has etched its name as the go-to framework for streamlined mobile app development. Flutter, developed by Google, offers an array of advantages from its stunning UI to a shorter development cycle, making it a preferred choice among developers world...

Flutter and Clean Architecture

In our last article, we established that clean architecture is a software architectural pattern that provides a structured and modular way to design and organize code within a Flutter application. It aims to separate different concerns and responsibilities while maintaining a clear boundary between ...

Flutter Clean Architecture Series — Part 1 (UPDATED)

The Clean Architecture is the most powerful software design which promotes the separation of concerns and the creation of highly maintainable and flexible software systems, and this can be done by organizing the codebase into independent layers that communicate through defined interfaces. ...

Drawing in Flutter using CustomPainter

Introduction : In Flutter everything revolves around the term Widget. Flutter gives you the flexibility to write one code, create some beautiful UI widgets and the app is ready for both iOS and Android.So what actually happens is these widgets that you create are drawn on to your mobile...

Flutter — Adjust UI based on orientation

In this short article, we will see how to adjust the UI differently based on device orientation. Presenting your stuff, whether it be a product, idea, or personal attribute, in every aspect of life holds a paramount significance that cannot be overstated. In mobile apps, effectively showcasing an...

Pinball Powered by Flutter and Firebase

For Google I/O, we teamed up with the Flutter team to reimagine a classic pinball game built using Flutter and Firebase. Here’s how we brought I/O Pinball to life on the web with the help of the Flame game engine. Game development essentials The Flutter framework is a great cho...

Build a Collaborative Pixel Art App With Flutter and Firebase

Introduction You’ve probably heard about r/place or z/place recently and if you didn’t, you might wonder what am I talking about. Well, those are collaborative projects and social experiments on which users can edit a canvas by changing pixels’ colors one at ...

SOLID Principles in Flutter: Crafting Robust Apps

If you’re here, you’re likely on a quest to elevate your Flutter development skills. Today, we’ll venture into a topic that, while not exclusive to Flutter, can revolutionise how you structure your apps: the SOLID principles. Let’s unwrap this treasure chest of best practi...

Isolates in Flutter

I have always wondered what set of code to run in the background to make my app powerful and responsive but I don’t really know how. Some time back I got to know about isolates and I tried implementing it. And I should tell you, it was painful. But I recently discovered how easy it has become....

Cracking the Flutter Interview: Your Comprehensive Guide to Common Questions and Best Practices

Introduction  Flutter has been making waves in the tech industry with its robust toolkit for building natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop. With its rising popularity, more companies are looking for skilled Flutter developers, and the interviews are getting tougher. Wh...

What is runZonedGuarded Function in Flutter ?

In Flutter, the runZonedGuarded function is a way to run a block of code (a callback) within a special zone while also providing a custom error handler to handle any uncaught exceptions that may occur during the execution of that code. This is often used for managing and handling errors in...

Create Build Flavor in Flutter Application (iOS & Android)

When developing a Flutter app, you may want to share it with internal testers in a development environment, using a version of the app with a backend configured for development rather than production. This version of the app is called the dev variant. When you’re ready to release the app pu...

Fluttering into Action: A Step-By-Step Guide to Installing and Configuring Flutter SDK on macOS

System requirements To install and run Flutter, your development environment must meet these minimum requirements: Operating Systems: macOS, version 10.14 (Mojave) or later. Disk Space: 2.8 GB (does not include disk space for IDE/tools). Tools: Flutter is used git for installa...

Setup Flutter Path or Install Flutter in Mac OS

Flutter has good installation documentation, but to update flutter path permanently on macOS need to follow this steps Download Flutter Framework from here https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/install/macos If bash Shell then run this command in terminal nano ~/.bash_profi...

How to Install Flutter on Mac M1

This guide is a simplified setup on Flutter’s official page. There is no extra step that is not on Flutter’s official page. The reason I do this is to provide you with a more efficient and secure installation guide. First of all, you need an Integrated development environment (IDE) fo...

Develop Flutter apps on slow computers

I never was really a gamer guy, not even a tech guy. I’m just good at programming and I enjoy it, so I turned that into my way of living. That said, I never owned a decent, fast computer to work. Most of the time that didn’t stop me, and through the years I’ve made a lot of t...