Embracing Flutter with an Android Mindset

<p>As a native Android developer with no prior experience with Flutter, I decided to explore how it would be to build a Flutter project with an Android mindset.</p> <p>I wanted to see how easy or hard it would be to come up with a full project in as little time as possible, while following Android development practices that I am familiar with, such as:</p> <ul> <li>breaking down the project into smaller, more manageable modules</li> <li>promoting the use of clean architecture principles, separating concerns and dependencies to create a maintainable and scalable codebase</li> <li>providing a well-structured navigation system</li> <li>implementing a Single Source Of Truth strategy to ensure consistency and integrity of data across the application</li> <li>incorporating some reactive programming techniques to optimize data flow and streamline asynchronous operations</li> <li>encapsulating dependencies and injecting them into the code at runtime</li> <li>supporting unit tests to ensure the code is working correctly</li> <li>managing the state of the app in a consistent and predictable way</li> </ul> <p>I also wanted to compare the result with standard Flutter projects and explore the framework&rsquo;s support for native multiplatform UI look.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@lucas.abgodoy/embracing-flutter-with-an-android-mindset-b670b7c72f84">Visit Now</a></p>