Tag: Flood

The Flood and the Serpent

You left me here, alone on this bench, to chase the serpent at sea, It promised you things that I never could, so you chose it over me. I knew it would bite you in the end, I tried to tell you in plea, But you wouldn’t hear it, nor did you fear it, and so I waited with unease. I wa...

Risk Analysis of Buildings in Amsterdam According to the Flood Scenario in 2100

Floods have played a significant role in human life and the construction of cities for centuries and it has always been at the forefront and will continue to be one of the biggest problems, especially in the Netherlands due to its low water level. For this reason, it is important to consider the win...

Mapping the Flood Paths of Istanbul

Could understanding how water moves across the city’s topography to prevent future flooding? Istanbul is most-famously known for its location on the Bosphorus, the grand water way that runs through the city, cutting the city founded on grand topography in half. As much of an attraction for ...

The London Beer Flood

This rupture triggered a catastrophic chain reaction causing several other vats to fail in quick succession. The resulting tidal wave of beer rushed forth leaving destruction in its wake. The power of the released beer was immense. The force not only knocked down the brewery’s walls but als...

Understanding Sikkim’s Flood Vulnerability

Sikkim, a mesmerising gem in the crown of the Himalayas, draws visitors with its enchanting landscapes. Yet, beneath its stunning facade, lies the intricate interplay of nature’s forces. To truly fathom Sikkim’s susceptibility to floods, we must embark on an enlightening journey ...

The Biblical Flood Could Have Been a Local Event Based On The Bible Itself

One of the skeptic’s claims against the Hebrew Bible is that the universal flood in the book of Genesis could not have happened. First they claim there is no archaeological layer of a mass flood throughout the world. Second, such a flood would have changed the rotation of the world so it could...

Let’s Talk About Mud Flood

I don’t think it’s very controversial for me to say that there’s a lot of bad history content on the internet. That may be slowly changing as libraries, museums, and archives gradually move online. So far though popular history websites have been pretty disappointing. Moreover if y...

A catastrophic flood revived the Mediterranean sea just before it died out desiccated

Earlier research had suggested that a major ice age had caused sea levels to drop, exposing a land bridge between Europe and Africa. Then, when the ice age ended, the sea rose again. With the increasing levels of water on the Atlantic Ocean, the clog at the Strait of Gibraltar began to erode. Initia...


I was a bit iffy going into it, as exactly two years previously, my attempt at a 14 gram dose made into a vinegar TA extract had put me in hospital with severe and uncontrollable full body cramps. There was no discernible psychoactive effect, just a horrible feeling like i was a wet towel being sque...

Let’s Talk About Mud Flood

I don’t think it’s very controversial for me to say that there’s a lot of bad history content on the internet. That may be slowly changing as libraries, museums, and archives gradually move online. So far though popular history websites have been pretty disappointing. Moreover if y...