The Flood and the Serpent

<p>You left me here, alone on this bench, to chase the serpent at sea,</p> <p>It promised you things that I never could, so you chose it over me.</p> <p>I knew it would bite you in the end, I tried to tell you in plea,</p> <p>But you wouldn&rsquo;t hear it, nor did you fear it, and so I waited with unease.</p> <p>I waited until I could no longer cry.</p> <p>I waited until I was hollow inside.</p> <p>I waited until my flowers died.</p> <p>I waited until the highest tide.</p> <p>It flooded my bench, there was nowhere to hide.</p> <p>I tried to take it all in stride, but I missed you dearly by my side.</p> <p>The silence was broken by the horrific sound of you far from shore starting to drown.</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>
Tags: Serpent Flood