Tag: Field

A Deeper Dive into My Essay and Field Guide

Public art is important for so many reasons. One reason is that it brings a sense of community and belonging to the residents near this art. Public art allows artists and community members to present their struggles in a way that people will look at and pay attention to. Public art sparks conversati...

003. NYC Field Trip

A day of furniture shopping in my own backyard. Recently, I was talking to a design colleague and good friend of mine about how we both feel like we’re burnt out on sourcing from the same vendors, online, from our (home) offices. So we decided to plan a day to go in-person sourcing right in...

Colleagues in the field

Sometimes you don’t even need to hear any words to receive positive reinforcement. This past weekend was a beautiful day to partake in pulling invasive vines off of trees in Guandu Nature Park. After gathering in the basement of the nature center in the park and learning what our task wou...

How to Build your Toroidal Field

The human energy field moves in a formation that Science recognizes as “The Toroidal Field”. The human Toroidal Field is directed by our breath, and, just as we take regular showers to cleanse our physical body, we must take regular energy showers. As humans, we are not meant to be...

The Field Trip

Our luxury tour bus showed up near the Rocky statue to transport us to what the world language educator described as an “authentic Spanish lunch” after the museum visit. We had spent a few hours milling around the long halls, avoiding the educator-chaperones, and devising trips to the sn...

The Forest as a Field of Mind

The environmentalization sweeping through art and academia in the last 15 years has transformed our respective fields of studies in significant ways. In a series of territorial video investigations, I have gone through several stages of reshaping my artistic practice in rela-tion to the decisive shi...

Einstein’s Field Equations: Explained

In Einstein’s general theory of relativity, the field equations relate the geometry of spacetime to the distribution of matter within it. The equations, first published by Einstein in 1915, related the local spacetime curvature (expressed by the Einstein tensor) with the lo...

What’s inside a field researcher’s bag?

I was so incredibly lucky to be in my field site. I was living in the Amazon forest in a Kayapó village…a researcher’s dream! However, my field site did come with it’s own set of unique challenges. I did not have access to electricity. Running water was only available for c...