What’s inside a field researcher’s bag?

<p>I was so incredibly lucky to be in my field site. I was living in the Amazon forest in a Kayap&oacute; village&hellip;a researcher&rsquo;s dream! However, my field site did come with it&rsquo;s own set of unique challenges. I did not have access to electricity. Running water was only available for certain hours in the day. The humidity, heavy rains, dust and forest creatures were all a threat to my field equipment. I thought about the fragility of my precious, precious field notes!</p> <p>I learned so much about what it&rsquo;s like to do fieldwork in a unique environment, and the items pictured here are those I found to be absolutely essential in the field. This list is not exhaustive, it is a basic list of very important items.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@ingridcarolinaramnparra/whats-in-a-field-researcher-s-bag-982938c26987"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>