Colleagues in the field

<p>Sometimes you don&rsquo;t even need to hear any words to receive positive reinforcement. This past weekend was a beautiful day to partake in pulling invasive vines off of trees in&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Guandu Nature Park</a>. After gathering in the basement of the nature center in the park and learning what our task would be for the afternoon, the dozen or so volunteers walked out to grab our weeding knives, gloves, and waterproof boots. We would head out to the edge of the park with the goal of clearing away vines that blocked sunlight for the undergrowth and trees. This was an area of Guandu Nature Park that I hadn&rsquo;t been to before and it took us directly through the &ldquo;realm of the buffalo,&rdquo; as was described by our leader that day.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>