Tag: Feminist

Feminist Princesses

Fairy Tales: Magically Misogynistic Tales of imaginary characters with magical powers have been told for thousands of years. The tradition itself is harmless, but with a modern perspective a lot of the stories are questionable if not controversial. Disney’s Snow White and the Seven ...

The Neighborhood Meeting

Recently, my wife asked me to go to a neighborhood meeting, and I said no. Then she asked why, and I told her it was like asking me, Do you want to go to a Poultry Convention in Alabama? Do you want to go to a Feminist Beekeeping Seminar? Do you like to attend a course on how to do Mitt Romney imper...

Are Crop Tops Anti-Feminist?

I have some comments — as an intersectional feminist who went to catholic high school and is still recovering from that. School isn't strictly a “professional setting”. It’s school. No one is being paid to go to high school, it is a publicly funded educational ...

A Feminist Revolution In Birding

Wherever Noah Strycker goes, he tends to be the center of attention. In 2015, Strycker, then 29, set a world record by tracking down 6,042 bird species in 41 countries. Since then, he’s been a birding superstar, headlining festivals and guiding walks around the globe. But for a bunch of the...

June 2019 | Feminist Bird Club

The Feminist Bird Club was started in October of 2016 by Molly Adams, when she piqued her friends’ interest in what she was doing on the outskirts of NYC during fall migration. When a female jogger was murdered in Queens near a hot spot where Molly would often go birding solo, she felt compell...

On the Road to a Feminist Data Governance

It is within this context that FAIR SHARE of Women Leaders was founded in 2019, with the FAIR SHARE Monitor as its flagship project. The Monitor makes the data on women in leadership transparent,¹ holds international social impact organisations accountable for their gender g...

A conservative Evangelical icon was secretly a queer feminist

In 1953, Betty Howard, as she was originally called, married a missionary named Jim Elliot. In 1956, he was was slaughtered in the jungle of Ecuador. Evangelicals became very interested in this ‘martyr’, and she published two books, Though Gates of Splendor and Shadow o...

Muslim Feminist? Bite Your Tongue.

The western concept of feminism has emerged as a way to fight for the rights of women, to advocate for equality in the face of opportunities. It ranged in fights from legal inequalities thats spinner into a renegotiation of gender norms, and the role of women in the society to what a struggle to pro...

Believe All Women — Unless They Are Jewish

When the #MeToo movement began in 2017, a renewed hope and vigor swept the feminist movement. Longstanding stagnation in the advancement of women’s rights was suddenly replaced by rays of hope in combating violence against women and femicide. There was a push for real accountability, change, a...

Why “The Intern” is an anti-feminist film

Several publications named Nancy Meyers’ “The Intern,” starring Anne Hathaway and Robert De Niro, as one of the most “women empowering” films of the year. At first glance, this story, set in a successful startup led by a woman founder and CEO, sounds incredibly empoweri...

Lessons Unlearned: Changing the Feminist Message

I read the entire article, honestly and genuinely interested in the perspective, I think we can learn from our children if we take the time to listen. Although I thought it was a poorly written piece, I wouldn’t have even considered a response until I hit the last line… “But now, ...

Is Christmas a Feminist Issue?

There are five days to go until Christmas, and I’m exhausted. How about you? By you, I mean women, probably in their middle years, who have too many fish to fry — or should that be turkeys to stuff? Only, I don’t give a stuff because I’m not cooking one. Over the past w...

On being a “nice feminist”… and a “nice Arab”

I am many identities. Most of them make people uncomfortable. I’m a feminist and I’m an Arab. First of all, these can actually coexist. I actually just wrote a whole damn book about it. But that’s not the point right now. I’ve noticed that I’m onl...

It’s the End of Feminist Media. Again.

When I was a teenager, the universally acknowledged center of culture in Columbus, Ohio was an all-night coffee shop named Insomnia. It was filthy, and the bathrooms never worked, and the coffee was barely serviceable. Nonetheless, anyone who was vaguely “alternative” wound up at Insomni...

Writing on- To be or not to be, a feminist.

People frequently ask me, “Look at the scenario now, it’s so much better, you have the freedom to go out and work, and so many women are drinking and smoking now,” when I bring up feminism. We shouldn’t think of ourselves as feminists because we have it so good; instead, w...

How Feminist Art History Changed the Story of Art

One of my favourite things about art history is when something or someone comes along that completely alters my perspective. Old habits of looking are upturned and the values I took for granted are reappraised. Feminist art history does that. It reveals that what an artist might represent is not ...

Lessons Unlearned: Changing the Feminist Message

Really? Wake up to what? Repeating our grandmothers’ mistakes because we’re too naive to learn from the past? Who wrote such an inflammatory statement in a journalistic setting? Even I, as a blogger, think that’s incredibly unprofessional, and as a writer, I’m shocked that...

Dear Western ‘Feminist’

mornings of winter sunshine and evening fires warm my heart these days but some things leave my heart cold and give a bad taste in my mouth it’s you, Western women and men who say from their safe homes some women need to proof sexual violence and others don’t Israeli women ...

Feminist Culture Club — 2023 Top Picks in Film, TV, Podcasts, and Books

Popular culture expressed through art, literature, sound, and film, can be a powerful way to explore women’s diverse perspectives, challenge harmful stereotypes, and advocate for positive change. But given the vast array of content released every year, it can be difficult to navigate the wealt...

Fall 2023 Syllabus — Contemporary Black Feminist Thought in the Law

This Fall, I have the honor and opportunity to debut a new reading group at the University of Richmond School of Law — Contemporary Black Feminist Thought in the Law. I designed this course as part of my new scholarly journey toward Black feminist epistemic justice through visual culture, the ...