Tag: Fat

How To Get Rid of Belly Fat Forever, Even if You’ve Tried Everything

Belly fat — the Achilles heel for every weight watcher. No matter how hard you try, the stubborn belly fat just won't go away. Even if it does, it takes the longest time. Despite this, there are chances of it paying a visit again. Duh! There is a scientific reason. The belly fat i...

4 Ways to Quantify Fat Tails with Python

This is the third article in a series on Power Laws and Fat Tails. In the previous post, we explored how to detect power laws from empirical data. While this technique can be handy, fat tails go beyond simply fitting data to a power law distribution. In this article, I will break down 4 wa...

Life as a Fat Girl — A Book Review

“13 Ways of Looking at a Fat Girl” by Mona Awad takes you on a rollercoaster ride through the ups and downs of body image, self-esteem, and societal standards. Awad’s writing is like a punch to the gut — raw, honest, and unapologetic. She dives headfirst into the mes...

I’m Not a Body Type: Leaving Fat Activism to Find Myself

Disclaimer: I discuss disordered eating, intentional weight loss and body types in this post. I am currently morbidly obese (mid fat), in my fifties, and suffering. I am working on turning this around and adding years (back) to my life. I believe in body autonomy — your body, your choice,...

Are You Okay with Being Fat, or Not?

You know that thing when you’re growing out your hair and it suddenly passes a threshold and people start asking if you got a haircut, and you’re like, no, it just passed a tipping point and looks different? Sometimes that happens with my body. A sudden, acute awareness that I can feel s...

Happy Fat People Should be Shouting From the Rooftops

Poet, essayist, and activist Audre Lorde famously wrote, “If I didn’t define myself for myself, I would be crunched into other people’s fantasies for me and eaten alive.” I didn’t see The Whale, for which Brendan Fraser won an Oscar earlier this month. Nor will ...

When You Call Someone Fat

I was young the first time I heard an adult family member tell a child in our family they were fat. It felt so different than those times you hear someone say you’re smart, funny, or adorable. This felt hurtful and I could see the disappointment and hurt in the young family member about what w...

Why your thin friends don’t get fat and your fat friends don’t stay thin…

A few weeks ago, with a heavy heart and all the enthusiasm of… well, actually, with no enthusiasm at all, I went and joined my local Slimming World group. Again. My weight has been creeping up and I realised that I was getting a bit out of breath while doing energetic things like be...