I’m Not a Body Type: Leaving Fat Activism to Find Myself

<p><strong><em>Disclaimer:</em></strong><em>&nbsp;I discuss disordered eating, intentional weight loss and body types in this post. I am currently morbidly obese (mid fat), in my fifties, and suffering. I am working on turning this around and adding years (back) to my life. I believe in body autonomy &mdash; your body, your choice, 100%. I also believe that all bodies can be beautiful: fat, thin, fully abled, disabled, and everywhere in between. I don&rsquo;t look at people fatter than me and think &ldquo;less&rdquo; of them. I don&rsquo;t think more of someone because they&rsquo;re super jacked, ripped, or even straight-sized. People are people; we don&rsquo;t know anyone until we know their minds, hearts, dreams, and souls. But I have a&nbsp;</em><strong><em>huge problem</em></strong><em>&nbsp;with&nbsp;</em><strong><em>any</em></strong><em>&nbsp;evangelical movement that influences or shames people into being just like them, spreads pseudoscientific disinformation, absolves themselves of personal responsibility, and plays the perpetual victim. That&rsquo;s my issue with the majority of the fat activists on the internet, especially on TikTok. Now, then, on with the post! ~J.</em></p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@jayerochon/im-not-a-body-type-leaving-fat-activism-to-find-myself-613319d6b220"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Fat Activism