Tag: Fascist

Ron DeSantis: The Fascist Weirdo Beast of Florida Politics Who Will Never Be President

The political landscape in the United States is a murky cesspool of corruption, greed, and power. And in the fever swamps of the conservative imagination — and in Florida — a man more beast than human has emerged. Ron DeSantis, Governor of the Disney state and potential presidential c...

Fascist Dictatorship is Not a Laughing Matter

What would you say if someone asked you if you wanted to be a dictator? One would hope you would immediately say ‘no’. Maybe you’d laugh, maybe you’d make a little joke out of it to lighten the mood, you know. But you would, hopefully, say ‘no’. If you were ...

Donald Trump, The Republican Party, Misguided, Right Wing Voters and America’s Ever Increasing Move Towards a Fascist State!

Waterloo? The apocalypse? The Titanic? These are just some of the terms that journalists, political pundits, consultants and other assorted observers are employing as they describe the current state of the Republican party. Indeed, for many, there is a deep-seated sentiment that the party of Abraham...

White Supremacists Put Romanian Fascist Codreanu Back in Spotlight

On August 12, many Americans were introduced to a new figure of racial intolerance: Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, when a white supremacist wore a T-shirt with his name on it to a rally in Charlottesville, Va. So, who was Codreanu, and why has a Romanian, who died before World War II, been lionized by ...