Ron DeSantis: The Fascist Weirdo Beast of Florida Politics Who Will Never Be President

<p>The political landscape in the United States is a murky cesspool of corruption, greed, and power.</p> <p>And in the fever swamps of the conservative imagination &mdash; and in Florida &mdash; a man more beast than human has emerged. Ron DeSantis, Governor of the Disney state and potential presidential candidate has been called everything from &ldquo;Trump with a brain&rdquo; to &ldquo;a strange no-eye-contact oddball.&rdquo;</p> <p>What we know at this point is that his teeth are sharp, his claws are lethal, and his skin is tough. He is shrewd, calculating, and probably soulless. Everything you need to run for president. Everything except Trump&rsquo;s charisma.</p> <p>We also know he&rsquo;s kind of a little weirdo.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*RFBIagNj7_8DSpl9lwDJ7Q.gif" style="height:304px; width:480px" /></p> <p>Gov. Ron DeSantis starts glitching when asked about running for president.</p> <p>Nonetheless, DeSantis is a man on a mission. He needs to appeal to both Trump&rsquo;s base and the GOP elite if he wants the nomination in 2024.</p> <h1>Threading the GOP 2024 nomination needle</h1> <p>Right now, DeSantis polls higher than Trump with the wealthy, college-educated, city- and suburb-dwelling Republicans, while Trump retains support from blue-collar and rural conservatives still high on MAGA.</p> <p>To Trump&rsquo;s base, he needs to prove that he is a committed and disciplined version of Trump himself &mdash; one who can rack up more wins for them. He needs to be seen as a fierce culture warrior, willing to be cruel in causes they hold dear.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>