Donald Trump, The Republican Party, Misguided, Right Wing Voters and America’s Ever Increasing Move Towards a Fascist State!

<p>Waterloo? The apocalypse? The Titanic? These are just some of the terms that journalists, political pundits, consultants and other assorted observers are employing as they describe the current state of the Republican party. Indeed, for many, there is a deep-seated sentiment that the party of Abraham Lincoln is coming apart at the seams and is imploding at Armageddon-like speed.</p> <p>Before we get ahead of ourselves too fast. Let&rsquo;s be honest about the fact that talk of political parties facing impending doom is nothing new. Indeed, similar rhetoric was levied toward the Democratic party in the mid-1980s after the party had endured multiple consecutive losses at the presidential level, including a massive 49-state rout in 1984. Such a misguided prediction failed to reach fruition as the Democrats recaptured the White House several years later in 1992 under the leadership of Bill Clinton and managed to maintain a number of congressional seats for much of the decade.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Fascist State