Tag: Fallacy

Escaping the Gambler’s Fallacy: Mastering Numeracy for Financial Success

If you’ve ever spent 10 minutes at a roulette table, you’ve probably seen the following scenario play out: A gambler is trying to decide whether to put their money on Red or Black. They look at the electronic sign that shows what numbers have recently hit. They see that the last four ...

How the “Doorman Fallacy” Has Led to an Overall Decline in Quality of Living

Have you noticed how everything around us is getting a little, well… crappier? And I don’t mean the obvious big things like climate change, wars, wildfires, or the machinations of greedy billionaires. I’m thinking about the smaller things, the things we deal with every day. You...

Escaping the Gambler’s Fallacy: Mastering Numeracy for Financial Success

If you’ve ever spent 10 minutes at a roulette table, you’ve probably seen the following scenario play out: A gambler is trying to decide whether to put their money on Red or Black. They look at the electronic sign that shows what numbers have recently hit. They see that the last four ...

The Eternal Innocence Fallacy

Dr. Claudine Gay’s treatment as former President of Harvard, as many have noticed, is certainly an example of systemic racism. But it’s not just because of the mistreatment, abuse, and distortion of leadership intent and power of a competent woman of color. It’s systemic racism in ...

The Prosecutor’s Fallacy

You know that you are innocent, but physical evidence at the scene of the crime matches your description. The prosecutor argues that you are guilty because the odds of finding this evidence given that you are innocent are so small that the jury should discard the probability that you did not actuall...

Gun Control Arguments Commit the Middle Ground Fallacy

The Middle Ground Fallacy, also known as the False Compromise or False Dilemma, is a type of reasoning error that occurs when a person asserts that a compromise between two opposing positions must be correct because it is the middle ground between them. This fallacy is informal in nature and can oft...

The Fallacy of the Anchor

A person commits the fallacy of the anchor by holding on to an initial impression or assumption without adapting to the availability of new information. It is a natural human tendency to fall into this fallacy, in which behavior ,judgments, and decisions are influenced by an initial belief, event, i...