Tag: Faces

Melting Faces and Midnight Prayers

Note to readers: The following poem is about not getting ANY sleep after bringing home a baby. I had the weirdest images of my entire life go through my mind during this time of no sleep. After a few weeks, I beat insomnia. One visualization I used to help during this time was imagining myself ...

Faces That Teach You Things

Well, I keep having the same conversation with myself: I should tell them, as a kind of disclaimer, that I know this is no good. I know what good is and I know that technically, this is not what it should be: The proportions are off, the shadows contradictory, not wrong entirely but definitely not w...

Learning to sculpt faces

Learning to sculpt faces takes plenty of time and effort. In this article I point out some common pitfalls, and give suggestions on how to learn most effectively. The process is the same for both realistic and stylized faces — you can’t stylize a face if you don’t yet know what a f...

Citibank Faces $26 Million Penalty for Discriminatory Credit Card Practices

The Bureau’s investigation has revealed a disturbing pattern of conduct by Citibank. From as far back as 2015 through 2021, Citibank employees subjected credit card applications from individuals of Armenian national origin to excessive scrutiny. These applicants often faced negative assessm...

Social Media Is Distorting What You Think Human Faces Should Look Like In Real Life

The average 40+ year-old believes themselves to be around 20% younger than they actually are. That means I think I’m 32. I rationally understand I’m not in my early thirties anymore. But honestly, I still expect my face to look that way. Catching myself in the mirror thes...

The Many Faces of Feminism: Exploring Different Perspectives

Often considered the foundational perspective within feminism, liberal feminism seeks to achieve gender equality through legal and political reforms. Liberal feminists advocate for equal rights, opportunities, and protections for women within existing societal structures. They believe that changes i...

Why Do We See Faces That Aren’t Real?

Seeing faces, animals and other things that aren’t there is called pareidolia. The propensity probably goes way back. It’s thought to have played a role in ancient imaginings of Orion the Hunter and other constellations. Further back, some 40,000 years ago, early human artists saw s...

Why Are Human Faces Shrinking?

Your late relatives, the Neanderthals, had slightly longer faces, too. And they had a much more pronounced bone structure. Because humans and Neanderthals interbred, some of those characteristics were incorporated into our faces, says Steven Churchill, a professor of evolutionary anthropology at ...

friendly faces, and other Paris stories

One of the first things I noticed after arriving in Paris was that when I smiled at people, they smiled back. Everyone said pardon when they walked past on the sidewalk (a welcome change from the US, where I think we’ve all uttered an irritated not even an “excuse me&rdquo...

Epochal Faces: Unconventional Reconstructions Across Time

Are we reverting to a time when images reign supreme? In a sense, yes. Emoticons have been a daily part of our communication for a long time now. The same goes for memes. The popularity of social media platforms such as photoblogs or Instagram also confirms that internet users are more easily engage...

The Shaven Faces: Exploring the Chinese Tradition and the Belief around Mustaches

In Chinese culture, there is a longstanding belief that wearing a mustache brings bad luck. As a result, it is common to see Chinese men with cleanly shaved faces. This intriguing tradition reflects the cultural significance and superstitions surrounding facial hair in China. In this blog post, we w...

Makeup On Young & Old Female Faces

Claude, I want to write an article about my feelings & opinions about facial makeup. In particular, I want to write the article about senior females applying makeup. Visit Now