Tag: Explode

A Ram Dass Quote That Made My Head Explode

First, let me be perfectly clear: When something makes my head explode, that’s a good thing. It means it blew me away. Every now and then I come across something that Ram Dass, Eckhart Tolle, Mickey Singer and a few others have said or written that goes beyond attracting my interest. Today&...

Explode on Impact

Everyone who works to make public service operate more effectively wants to impact the world. Having an impact is a great thing. It’s an important North Star for a person, team or organisation. What we do should make a difference in the world. However, too often, the way that the concept of...

When Will Betelgeuse Explode?

One day, they say, Betelgeuse will explode. It promises to be spectacular: the star will detonate with the force of ten million suns; burning bright enough to be visible across half the known universe. From Earth it will appear to glow more intensely than the full moon; luminous enough to cast shado...

When Will Betelgeuse Explode?

Betelgeuse is located about 642 light-years from Earth. Despite such a distance, this star is among the ten brightest stars, given the impressive size of this supergiant. If Betelgeuse were to replace the Sun, it would engulf the entire Solar System up to Jupiter’s orbit. The mass of the st...