When Will Betelgeuse Explode?

<p>Betelgeuse is located about 642 light-years from Earth. Despite such a distance, this star is among the ten brightest stars, given the impressive size of this supergiant. If Betelgeuse were to replace the Sun, it would engulf the entire Solar System up to Jupiter&rsquo;s orbit.</p> <p>The mass of the star is 15&ndash;20 times greater than that of the Sun, suggesting that after the supernova explosion, Betelgeuse is likely to turn into a white dwarf. In the event of an explosion, its brightness would reach about -9m (the lower this number, the brighter the star), which is roughly equivalent to the brightness of a half moon. After the explosion, the glow will gradually fade, and over several centuries, a nebula will appear where the bright star once was. But when will this happen?</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@deep.space/when-will-betelgeuse-explode-d5355bade35e"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>