Explode on Impact

<p>Everyone who works to make public service operate more effectively wants to impact the world. Having an impact is a great thing. It&rsquo;s an important North Star for a person, team or organisation. What we do should make a difference in the world.</p> <p>However, too often, the way that the concept of &ldquo;impact&rdquo; is used by organisations gets in the way of the real-world change that people are trying to create. In previous work, we have assembled evidence which helps to show that using&nbsp;<a href="https://sluggerotoole.com/2016/07/05/soapbox-the-sorry-tale-of-outcome-based-performance-management/" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">outcomes as performance management tools</a>&nbsp;doesn&rsquo;t work, and this is similar territory. The idea that we can measure our impact to understand how well we are performing is seductive, but fundamentally flawed.</p> <p><a href="https://toby-89881.medium.com/explode-on-impact-cba283b908cb"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Explode