Tag: Explained

Demystifying Load Balancing: Simple Methods Explained for Beginners

Load balancing can be a tricky concept, but fear not — this article is your beginner’s guide to understanding it all. Imagine friends helping out with different tasks, or choosing the fastest road to your destination. That’s what load balancers do for computer systems. In this arti...

Recurrent Neural Networks, Explained and Visualized from the Ground Up

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are neural networks that can operate sequentially. Although they’re not as popular as they were even just several years ago, they represent an important development in the progression of deep learning and are a natural extension of feedforward networks. In t...

My Multi-Millionaire Mentor Explained To Me Why People Get Rich (And Some Don’t).

He had just started his own business and was on top of the world. Fueled by excitement and ego, he thought the money would never run dry. He was spending large and living even bigger. But this was 1986. And Australia was experiencing one of the worse economic recessions in its history. He lost...

Proclamation Explained: “Excluding Donald Trump’s Name from the Presidential Ballot under the 14th Amendment Section 3”

In a significant turn of events, a proclamation has been issued to the 48 Secretaries of the States and 2 Lieutenant Governors, urging them not to include Donald John Trump’s name on the official ballot for the President of the United States for the Americas. The rationale behind this pro...

Dismembered in 0.1 Seconds — Byford Dolphin Accident Explained

In the wake of the 2023 Titan implosion, another disaster of a similar flavour has returned to the fore: the Byford Dolphin accident in 1983. Regarded as an astonishingly brutal industrial incident, the lives of four saturation divers working on a Norwegian oil rig p...

Being Neurodivergent Explained in Four Comics

The single factor that explains why I act baby-ish, play with toys, and can occasionally “predict” the end of the world Created by the author. Everyone is talking about what it means to be ADHD and neurodivergent these days, but few have identified the funniest, cutest, and sim...

Being Neurodivergent Explained in Four Comics

The single factor that explains why I act baby-ish, play with toys, and can occasionally “predict” the end of the world Created by the author. Everyone is talking about what it means to be ADHD and neurodivergent these days, but few have identified the funniest, cutest, and sim...

Living With Adult ADHD Is Spooky: Explained in Comics

Muahahaha — 4 spooky things that might happen to ADHDers and other innocent souls this Halloween Created by the author. What is an ADHDer* most afraid of? Spiders, snakes, cemeteries at night? Wrong! Try again. Muahahaha, the gods have cursed us, for life alone is very scary for us. ...

Great Paintings Explained: Napoleon Crossing the Alps by Jacques-Louis David

This is a remarkable image. The French military leader Napoleon Bonaparte sits astride a rearing steed, his arm raised into the air, his finger pointing onwards to the Alps mountain range which his soldiers are about to cross. I wonder how many paintings in the history of Western art have managed...

Metaverse Explained: What Is It, And When Will It Get Here?

The concept of the metaverse has been generating considerable buzz lately. It’s a term that’s often thrown around in discussions about the future of the internet and technology. But what exactly is the metaverse, and when can we expect it to become a part of our daily lives? ...


In recent years, Barcelona has faced a significant financial crisis that has affected the club's operations and ability to compete at the highest level. Photo by Fikri Rasyid on Unsplash The roots of the crisis can be traced back to several factors, including overspending on player tra...

Hong Kong Name Culture Explained

Many people know that Hong Kongers like to refer to each other with “English names” instead of their birth name in Cantonese, and it is not what I want to tackle here, rather the question many people unfamiliar with Hong Kong have asked, “Why don’t you tell me your Chinese na...

Tempted to Become an Art Patron? London’s Young Museum and Collector Groups, Explained

London is home to some of the most innovative and prestigious art galleries and museums in the world—presenting radical exhibitions devised by international artists and curators. What many people don’t realise is how reliant these institutions are on the generous donations of private ind...

401k Explained: What is a 401k and How Does it Work?

A 401k is a type of retirement savings plan offered by many employers. It allows employees to contribute a portion of their pre-tax income to the plan, which is then invested in a variety of funds and investments. These contributions grow tax-free until they are withdrawn in retirement. Employers...

MZERO, Explained

The $MZERO token is more than just a means of transaction; it’s a versatile tool within the MetaZero ecosystem, offering users a range of functionalities that contribute to the platform’s vitality. From enabling seamless participation in allocation events to unlocking exclusive platform ...

RFID Explained

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) uses readers and tags to transfer data via radio waves. A reader can communicate with a tag some distance away (between a few centimeters and 20 meters, depending on the type of RFID). Active RFID tags have batteries, which they can tap to send information to a ...

White Privilege Explained

I watched something today that made me angry. I can’t even tell you what show it was, but it was a bunch of people debating the existence of white privilege. It’s 2023 and we’re still debating this? Apparently. So, I thought I’d throw myself into the debate and explain,...

Faster-than-light cosmology explained

Truthfully, I said nobody knows, but it also occurred to me that even if the universe were spatially closed like the surface of the Earth, it might be expanding so quickly that even traveling near the speed of light, your spaceship would never come back to where it started. Think of the universe ...

Geological Wonders: The Geyser Explained

Geysers are geological formations that spurt hot groundwater into the air from time to time. The period between two events can range from a few minutes (4–8 min for the Waimangu Geyser, New Zealand) to a few years (Erratic Geysers), and the height of the s...

Quantum supremacy explained

In our everyday experience, the world is 100% measurable, deterministic, and independent of the observer. The glass is either on the table in an unbroken state, or it’s on the floor in a shattered state, regardless of when or even whether you measure or observe it. The three marbles in your ba...

I Died But I Did Not Die — My DMT Trip Explained

My guide prepared the pipe and instructed me to try and keep it in as long as I could. I was told to attempt three inhalations from the pipe, but everything changed after the first round. I couldn’t see my reality anymore. Firstly, the room I was in became a 2D picture with a very bright gl...