Dismembered in 0.1 Seconds — Byford Dolphin Accident Explained

<p>In the wake of the&nbsp;<a href="https://col-jung.medium.com/crushed-in-0-02-seconds-titans-terrifying-implosion-explained-dafb3b287582" rel="noopener">2023 Titan implosion,</a>&nbsp;another disaster of a similar flavour has returned to the fore: the&nbsp;<strong>Byford Dolphin accident</strong>&nbsp;in 1983.</p> <p>Regarded as an astonishingly brutal industrial incident, the lives of four&nbsp;<strong>saturation divers</strong>&nbsp;working on a Norwegian oil rig perished in a horrifying instant &mdash; their blood&nbsp;<em>flash-boiled</em>&nbsp;as the dissolved gases in their bodies and bloodstreams expanded 9-fold.</p> <p>They exploded from the inside out &mdash; quite literally.</p> <p>It gets&nbsp;<em>worse.</em></p> <p>One of the poor chaps &mdash; violently blasted through a small hatch &mdash; was gruesomely torn to pieces, spraying the deck with gory torrent.</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:615/1*kGr8lGUtEjKK-kelFSf63Q.png" style="height:461px; width:615px" /></p> <p>British diver Roy Lucas and tender Billy Crammond both met a violent end on the Byford Dolphin</p> <p>Like the five Titanic explorers, these five industrial workers from a generation earlier were victims of a catastrophic failure.</p> <p>They were all very dead, very fast and in a very unpleasant manner.</p> <p>New to Medium? Join&nbsp;<a href="https://col-jung.medium.com/membership" rel="noopener">here</a>&nbsp;and gain&nbsp;<strong>unlimited access</strong>&nbsp;to the best articles on the internet.</p> <p><a href="https://col-jung.medium.com/dismembered-in-0-1-seconds-byford-dolphin-accident-explained-74bdec86d8bb"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>