Tag: Existential

Weekly Overview of the Bundle For Ukraine Page 20: Puzzles, Survival, and Existential Dread

Well this was definitely a page that came in much hotter than I expected. With a brutal 24/6 spread, video games absolutely ran rampant on this page. The only page to have more video games on a single page was back on page 2 with 25. Duplicates are back though, so huzzah! They were all ...

5 Existential Questions for the Vision Pro (to save humanity)

Most people have written the Vision Pro off as another gadget for the ultra-wealthy given its price tag of $3,500, but Apple has much grander ambitions. In 5 years it will be as ubiquitous as the iPhone at a fraction of the price. (Remember Tesla’s approach with the Roadster?) It&rsquo...

5 Existential Questions for the Vision Pro (to save humanity)

Most people have written the Vision Pro off as another gadget for the ultra-wealthy given its price tag of $3,500, but Apple has much grander ambitions. In 5 years it will be as ubiquitous as the iPhone at a fraction of the price. (Remember Tesla’s approach with the Roadster?) It&rsquo...

Things are expensive.

I’m sitting in a coffee shop by my workplace and having an existential panic. I’ve never had an actual anxiety attack, not the kind where your body shuts down and you can’t breathe and feel like you’re going to die, but there is a certain hammering in my chest and a quickn...