Weekly Overview of the Bundle For Ukraine Page 20: Puzzles, Survival, and Existential Dread

<p>Well this was definitely a page that came in much hotter than I expected. With a brutal 24/6 spread, video games absolutely ran rampant on this page. The only page to have more video games on a single page was back on&nbsp;<a href="https://medium.com/theuglymonster/wobfu-bundle-is-ukraine-and-page-is-2-overview-is-now-a91d256b00c8" rel="noopener">page 2</a>&nbsp;with 25.</p> <p>Duplicates are back though, so huzzah! They were all video games with 9 total, which did alleviate the pressure of this week quite a bit. It&rsquo;s quite interesting to see the constant massive shifts in page dynamics, as some weeks I&rsquo;m scrambling whereas others I&rsquo;m able to prep ahead.</p> <p>What also stood out was that unlike before where many games meant I would recognize a few, outside of the duplicates these were all brand new titles to me; so let&rsquo;s go find them out.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/theuglymonster/wobfu-page-20-puzzles-survival-and-existential-dread-32f9e8388793"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>