Tag: evil

Hibernate is not so evil

A few years ago, when I was a Junior Backend Developer, I was really frustrated at Hibernate. Every time I made any change in the persistence layer designed by my older colleagues, I had serious problems with JPA. I thought that maybe Hibernate was some kind of an old crappy tool nobody wants to use...

Resident Evil 4 Saved Me

I grew up in a very violent home, and rarely ever felt safe as a child. From dealing with mind-melding mental disorders to downright abusive living conditions, there was nowhere to run. My only method of escape was through media, whether it was music, movies, books or in this case, video games. W...

Why Religion is Evil

Living in the United States and being there as a child in the wake of 9/11, I lived in a society that created an atmosphere of fear against Muslims as terrorist, as killers, as suicide bombers in the name of their culture and religion. The instilled beliefs from school children that Muslims have a s...

The Signs and Symptoms of the Evil Eye (Al-ayn) and Hasad (Envy)

Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The evil eye is real and if anything were to overtake the divine decree, it would be the evil eye.” (Muslim) If you feel you are affected by Evil Eye, know that the best Raqi (person who does Ruqya to cure someone) is YOU! You ...

Lilith: Judaism’s Evil Queen

That’s right. The first woman was not created from Adam’s rib. She was created at the same time and in the same way as Adam was. Genesis 1:27: In the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Before Eve was created from Adam’s body, there was another woman...

Caste and the Christian: A Hidden Evil

One of the reasons caste remains so prevalent among South Asia’s Christians is because many refuse, out of idealism or ignorance, that it even exists. Attempts by churches to address the issue of caste among Christians are controversial and often face strong push back from those who view Chris...

Why Some White People Treat Diversity Like an Evil Villain

There is no way to sugarcoat the anti-civil rights movement unfolding in the aftermath of the Supreme Court's decision to ban race-based affirmative action policies. What may have seemed like one decision pertaining to college admissions was symptomatic of a much broader effort to portray divers...

Why Some White People Treat Diversity Like an Evil Villain

There is no way to sugarcoat the anti-civil rights movement unfolding in the aftermath of the Supreme Court's decision to ban race-based affirmative action policies. What may have seemed like one decision pertaining to college admissions was symptomatic of a much broader effort to portray divers...

When Nonni Was Warding Off the Evil Eye

The covers were pulled up to my mother’s chin and the smell of Ben Gay filled the room. The shades were drawn to darken the room as much as possible in the middle of the afternoon. I could see the pain of the migraine deadening my mom’s eyes. Any slight movement made her nauseous. &ld...

A Party Named “the Democratic Party” Is an Evil Oxymoron

The study specifically addresses gun laws in the U.S. and worldwide. “Would Banning Firearms Reduce Murder and Suicide? A Review of International Evidence,” by Don B. Kates and Gary A. Mauser: Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy, vol. 30, pages 651–694. But its broader point...

Why We Need Political Parties (It’s a Necessary Evil Sort of Thing)

Although parties do cause gridlock, they’re also very important in getting things done. If you’re going to get a law passed in the House of Representatives, for example, you’re going to need a coalition of members to do that. Without parties controlling the agenda of what gets vote...

Nationalism is Patriotism’s Evil Twin

Patriotism is a heavily weighted buzzword these days. When you hear the word, it conjures images of waving flags, saluting soldiers, and fireworks. In North America, the word is commonly associated with the United States — not exclusively, of course, but try typing ‘patriotism’ ...

5 things you should know about the “Evil Eye” (and how to protect yourself).

Do you believe in the “Evil Eye”? Many cultures around the world still do today (so maybe you should!). It’s a particularly widespread belief in the Mediterranean region, as reflected by the abundance of amulets on offer to protect yourself from it. For example in Italy, where...

What We Mean By Good and Evil, Right, and Wrong

Epicurus posited that if there is an all powerful God, then He must be able to eliminate suffering and evil, but He does not care to do so. David Hume later popularized this notion, too. How can we reconcile the existence of God (or Good) in a world of where evil flourishes? In ecopsych...

The Top-10 Most Evil Men of the 20th Century — and Cautionary Lessons We Can Draw From Their Success

The 20th century is the most violent century in history. While that century witnessed many great leaders, such as Franklin D. Roosevelt, Mother Teresa, Dr. Martin Luther King, Winston Churchill, Margaret Thatcher, Mahatma Gandhi, and Nelson Mandela, it had more than its “fair” share of u...

The Evil Religious Cult of Scientology.

60 Minutes released a Scientology special since controversy reemerged again, this time with “That ’70s Show” star Danny Masterson, who is getting 30 years to life in prison on rape charges. There is plenty of content that exposes Scientology and its horrifying conduct like thi...