Caste and the Christian: A Hidden Evil

<p>One of the reasons caste remains so prevalent among South Asia&rsquo;s Christians is because many refuse, out of idealism or ignorance, that it even exists. Attempts by churches to address the issue of caste among Christians are controversial and often face strong push back from those who view Christianity merely as a tribe and culture rather than a faith that is to be lived out and constantly renewed. Others worry that addressing caste would be airing your communities dirty laundry for the world to see and would give those groups with anti-Christian intentions (Hindu or Muslim religious nationalists, Communists etc.) with the ammunition needed to attack Christian communities. This misses the more pressing point that caste rots and weakens Christian communities from the inside out and that by ignoring it we reject our own Christian duty to help our fellow man.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Hidden evil