A Party Named “the Democratic Party” Is an Evil Oxymoron

<p>The study specifically addresses gun laws in the U.S. and worldwide. &ldquo;Would Banning Firearms Reduce Murder and Suicide? A Review of International Evidence,&rdquo; by Don B. Kates and Gary A. Mauser: Harvard Journal of Law &amp; Public Policy, vol. 30, pages 651&ndash;694. But its broader point supports a central reality that has long been recognized by the National Animal Interest Alliance: whether lawmakers target pet owners or gun owners, ill-conceived &ldquo;feel-good&rdquo; laws usually just make things worse. (Dr. Mauser has been a long-time supporter and a member of the NAIA.)</p> <p><a href="https://jackrnoel.medium.com/a-party-named-the-democratic-party-is-an-evil-oxymoron-12a1985275f6"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: evil Oxymoron