Tag: European

European Union Has Started To No Longer Implement Sanctions On Russia.

Russian economy has officially been declining over the past months, however, some new recent developments in Russia has appeared. Sanctions was and is a tool to effectively use against any country or individual or institution to stop their progress. Russia, today, is the most sanctioned country...

Amsterdam — my favorite European city… so far

Europe is known for its close proximity between countries, and I got to experience what that meant for the first time when I took the train from London to Amsterdam, which was about a four-hour train ride. In some states in the US, you can’t even go from one end of the state to the other end i...

Reflections on the European Women in Tech 2023 Event

I wish I have posted this earlier but I didn’t have enough time. So here we go now. Attending the European Women in Tech 2023 Event held at RAI Amsterdam was a truly transformative experience. As I walked through the doors of the venue, I could feel the energy and excitement buzzing in the ...

JetBlue’s European Odyssey: From New York and Boston to Amsterdam.

Jetvoy Media is thrilled to bring you exciting news from the world of travel. JetBlue, a name synonymous with innovation, affordability, and quality service, is embarking on a new chapter in its transatlantic journey. As we prepare to introduce you to JetBlue’s Amsterdam adventure, let’s...

Species for Sale: European Eel

The European eel (Anguilla anguilla) is a snake-like fish found across much of Europe and parts of North Africa. It is catadromous, with adults migrating from freshwater to the Sargasso Sea off the east coast of North America, where they spawn and then die (IUCN Red List, 2020). After hatching, the ...

How to find Apartments in European cities

I had the pleasure of moving 4 times within 4 months in Prague (hint: sarcasm). Two places I lived were Airbnbs, and two were apartments I signed a lease for. The context of why I moved 4 times within 4 months isn’t the focus of this article; instead I’d like to share what I learned alon...

How a burp brought the European business community in Taipei back to life

I had followed my boyfriend to Taipei where he was sent on an assignment by his company and I was locally hired by one of the Big Four accounting firms as an executive search professional. My job was to penetrate the Western business community to find new clients for them. The best way to approac...

Introduction to Our Seventeen-Day European Backpacking Journey

If you’re looking for a travel guide, feel free to skip this one. (What kind of introduction is this? Haha!) before I get into how to explore, let’s talk about why Europe? Why these countries? Why solo travel? Most importantly, my travel companions are my ‘parents,’ so you...

7 key challenges facing the European Union

The EU came into being during the post Second World War development of the liberal international order and, therefore, its interests and identity are inseparable from the emergence of this order. Thus, a crisis of the LIO is perceived as a crisis of the EU, affecting its international role and ident...

During which conflict did the European technological overtaking of the Islamic world become evident?

In the great battle of Mohacs, the Turks lost more than 10,000 men and most of their artillery, compared with only 600 casualties in the Christian ranks. The subsequent battle of Zenta, turned out to be a total disaster for the Turks. Over 25,000 fell to the tune of 400 dead Christians. All this des...

Despite Volatility, Micromobility Thrives in European Cities

Since the mid-2010s, cities around the globe have witnessed the explosion of free-floating electric bikes, mopeds and scooters on their streets. NUMO began tracking this phenomenon in 2019 with the New Mobility Atlas. Between 2019 and 2023, the number of cities with dockless, shared micromob...

Visualising European parties' donations and contributions

Donations and contributions are essential parts of political parties’ private funding. In the absence of initiatives by the Authority for European Political Parties to provide European citizens with properly visible financial information on their European parties, European Democracy Consulting...

You Are Not Allowed To Be A Friendly Black Man

Some people seem to be up in arms about my “Georgia Is Full Of Racists” story the other day. Why, because in the past three visits to Georgia, Black people have been sh*tty for me being with my European wife? Just like a white supremacist, they find ways to justify their hate. This is...

The Problem with White People

The problem with any conversation about white people is that no such thing exists. White people are an abstract concept describing people who do not otherwise have a racial identity. If you have a racial identity, or an ethnicity or a cultural identity; you are not a white person. Racia...

The Pan-Indo-European Root *Sam Denotes the Concept of Togetherness

As an enthusiast seeking to bridge science and spirituality, I’m eager to learn from experts in both realms. My mindset drives me to ponder the parallels between physics and metaphysics. I enjoy synthesizing scattered fragments that spark my curiosity. This tendency led me recently to notic...

Why I’m Bullish on European Market Access (Part 1 of 4)

There has been much discussion in market access circles over the last couple of years about the Inflation Reduction Act and its impact on US market access. Less attention has been paid to the JCA — Joint Clinical Assessment — coming to Europe. Next week, as many of us in the ac...

The Rot Within: The crash of British European Airways flight 706

The fiery crash of the four-engine Vickers Vanguard in a field outside the Belgian town of Aarsele killed 63 people and left investigators with a monstrous mechanical puzzle. Something had ripped apart the Vanguard’s tail section in flight, leaving debris scattered for miles downwind of the cr...