During which conflict did the European technological overtaking of the Islamic world become evident?

<p>In the great battle of Mohacs, the Turks lost more than 10,000 men and most of their artillery, compared with only 600 casualties in the Christian ranks. The subsequent battle of Zenta, turned out to be a total disaster for the Turks. Over 25,000 fell to the tune of 400 dead Christians. All this despite the fact that the Muslim army was of enormous size, over 100,000 men. The number failed in the slightest to shift the fortunes of the battle in their favor. From then on it was a succession of disasters, for the Turk, who until recently had been the terror of Christendom. Every war from now on had a disastrous outcome for the Ottoman Empire.</p> <p>Since the sixteenth century there has been a certain refusal on the part of Islamic troops to use the new personal firearms, in favor of the continued use of archers, the traditional strong point of Asian armies over Europeans.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@tiosimpa/during-which-conflict-did-the-european-technological-overtaking-of-the-islamic-world-become-80d979fe88b0"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>