Tag: Erasure

In Hong Kong, the Art of Resistance and Erasure

I recently arrived in Hong Kong, a few days after a mass march through the central business district. The event marked six months of turmoil that has fractured the city. As they marched, the protestors left hundreds of messages over the road and on walls, street signs and bus stops; even the lions g...

No, Our Interracial Relationship is Not Your “Biological Erasure”

He loved the video, but voiced his incredulity at the comments in his most gentle Irish way. “This is just insane. It’s a really nice video — why are they being such d*cks?” This isn’t the first time we’ve noticed such commentary on a South Asian woman wit...

MultiRacial Erasure in Academia 3

UCSD’s Mixed Student Union believe offering a “Multiracial” category should be part of the solution. In fact, in Spring 2021, we (along with my my independent study lab) successfully had the subject pool here in UCSD’s Psych department add a Multiracial option, a disaggregate...

MultiRacial Erasure in Academia

A student who identifies as South Korean & White (MultiRacial) on enrollment forms is counted as a monoracial South Korean student. A student who identifies as Black & Hispanic & Japanese on enrollment forms is counted as a monoracial Black student. Black is the category of first res...

Leftist erasure of history

*sidenote* I’m the only one who angry reacted to Optimistic Communist’s post. Everyone else either liked it or loved it. That tells you everything you need to know about the racism, white supremacy, and ignorance of their own history inherent on the left. Be very careful before you liste...