MultiRacial Erasure in Academia 3
<p>UCSD’s Mixed Student Union believe offering a “Multiracial” category should be part of the solution. In fact, in Spring 2021, we (along with my my independent study lab) successfully had the subject pool here in UCSD’s Psych department add a Multiracial option, a disaggregated option for Asian students (so now we have East Asian & South Asian Indian), & an option for Middle Eastern students who previously were left with choosing one of two incorrect answers (<em>Other</em> or <em>White</em>). The research subjects that select Multiracial are shown an additional webpage where they can specify how they identify by selecting pre-chosen items, or typing/ filling in the blank if the preset list isn’t sufficient. Given my lab’s focus on Multiracial research, this was a long awaited update (see image below titled <strong>aMorePerfectSONA</strong>).</p>
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