MultiRacial Erasure in Academia 3

<p>UCSD&rsquo;s Mixed Student Union believe offering a &ldquo;Multiracial&rdquo; category should be part of the solution. In fact, in Spring 2021, we (along with my my independent study lab) successfully had the subject pool here in UCSD&rsquo;s Psych department add a Multiracial option, a disaggregated option for Asian students (so now we have East Asian &amp; South Asian Indian), &amp; an option for Middle Eastern students who previously were left with choosing one of two incorrect answers (<em>Other</em>&nbsp;or&nbsp;<em>White</em>). The research subjects that select Multiracial are shown an additional webpage where they can specify how they identify by selecting pre-chosen items, or typing/ filling in the blank if the preset list isn&rsquo;t sufficient. Given my lab&rsquo;s focus on Multiracial research, this was a long awaited update (see image below titled&nbsp;<strong>aMorePerfectSONA</strong>).</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>